{ lib, pkgs, modulesPath, ... }: { systemd.tmpfiles.rules = [ "d /var/shared 0777 root root - -" ]; imports = [ (modulesPath + "/profiles/installation-device.nix") (modulesPath + "/profiles/all-hardware.nix") (modulesPath + "/profiles/base.nix") ]; services.openssh.settings.PermitRootLogin = "yes"; system.activationScripts.root-password = '' mkdir -p /var/shared ${pkgs.pwgen}/bin/pwgen -s 16 1 > /var/shared/root-password echo "root:$(cat /var/shared/root-password)" | chpasswd ''; hidden-ssh-announce = { enable = true; script = pkgs.writeShellScript "write-hostname" '' set -efu export PATH=${ lib.makeBinPath ( with pkgs; [ iproute2 coreutils jq qrencode ] ) } mkdir -p /var/shared echo "$1" > /var/shared/onion-hostname local_addrs=$(ip -json addr | jq '[map(.addr_info) | flatten | .[] | select(.scope == "global") | .local]') jq -nc \ --arg password "$(cat /var/shared/root-password)" \ --arg onion_address "$(cat /var/shared/onion-hostname)" \ --argjson local_addrs "$local_addrs" \ '{ password: $password, onion_address: $onion_address, local_addresses: $local_addrs }' \ > /var/shared/login.json cat /var/shared/login.json | qrencode -t utf8 -o /var/shared/qrcode.utf8 ''; }; services.getty.autologinUser = lib.mkForce "root"; programs.bash.interactiveShellInit = '' if [[ "$(tty)" =~ /dev/(tty1|hvc0|ttyS0)$ ]]; then echo -n 'waiting for tor to generate the hidden service' until test -e /var/shared/qrcode.utf8; do echo -n .; sleep 1; done echo echo "Root password: $(cat /var/shared/root-password)" echo "Onion address: $(cat /var/shared/onion-hostname)" echo "Local network addresses:" ${pkgs.iproute}/bin/ip -brief -color addr | grep -v cat /var/shared/qrcode.utf8 fi ''; # Grub doesn't find devices for both BIOS and UEFI? # NOTE: We need grub here. Otherwise, the system won't boot in some machines. # example: Lenovo E495 didn't boot without grub. boot.loader.grub.efiInstallAsRemovable = true; boot.loader.grub.efiSupport = true; disko.devices = { disk = { stick = { type = "disk"; device = "/vda"; imageSize = "3G"; content = { type = "gpt"; partitions = { boot = { size = "1M"; type = "EF02"; # for grub MBR }; ESP = { size = "100M"; type = "EF00"; content = { type = "filesystem"; format = "vfat"; mountpoint = "/boot"; }; }; root = { size = "100%"; content = { type = "filesystem"; format = "ext4"; mountpoint = "/"; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }