{ lib, config, pkgs, inputs, ... }: let clanDir = config.clanCore.clanDir; machineDir = clanDir + "/machines/"; machinesFileSet = builtins.readDir machineDir; machines = lib.mapAttrsToList (name: _: name) machinesFileSet; zerotierNetworkIdPath = machines: machineDir + machines + "/facts/zerotier-network-id"; networkIdsUnchecked = builtins.map ( machine: let fullPath = zerotierNetworkIdPath machine; in if builtins.pathExists fullPath then builtins.readFile fullPath else null ) machines; networkIds = lib.filter (machine: machine != null) networkIdsUnchecked; networkId = if builtins.length networkIds == 0 then null else builtins.elemAt networkIds 0; in #TODO:trace on multiple found network-ids #TODO:trace on no single found networkId { options.clan.zerotier-static-peers = { excludeHosts = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.listOf lib.types.str; default = [ config.clanCore.machineName ]; description = "Hosts that should be excluded"; }; }; config.systemd.services.zerotier-static-peers-autoaccept = let zerotierIpMachinePath = machines: machineDir + machines + "/facts/zerotier-ip"; networkIpsUnchecked = builtins.map ( machine: let fullPath = zerotierIpMachinePath machine; in if builtins.pathExists fullPath then machine else null ) machines; networkIps = lib.filter (machine: machine != null) networkIpsUnchecked; machinesWithIp = lib.filterAttrs (name: _: (lib.elem name networkIps)) machinesFileSet; filteredMachines = lib.filterAttrs ( name: _: !(lib.elem name config.clan.zerotier-static-peers.excludeHosts) ) machinesWithIp; hosts = lib.mapAttrsToList (host: _: host) ( lib.mapAttrs' ( machine: _: let fullPath = zerotierIpMachinePath machine; in lib.nameValuePair (builtins.readFile fullPath) [ machine ] ) filteredMachines ); in lib.mkIf (config.clan.networking.zerotier.controller.enable) { wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; after = [ "zerotierone.service" ]; path = [ pkgs.zerotierone ]; serviceConfig.ExecStart = pkgs.writeScript "static-zerotier-peers-autoaccept" '' #!/bin/sh ${lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" (host: '' ${ inputs.clan-core.packages.${pkgs.system}.zerotier-members }/bin/zerotier-members allow --member-ip ${host} '') hosts} ''; }; config.clan.networking.zerotier.networkId = lib.mkDefault networkId; }