import copy import dataclasses import pathlib from dataclasses import MISSING from types import NoneType, UnionType from typing import ( Annotated, Any, Literal, TypeVar, Union, get_args, get_origin, ) class JSchemaTypeError(Exception): pass # Inspect the fields of the parameterized type def inspect_dataclass_fields(t: type) -> dict[TypeVar, type]: """ Returns a map of type variables to actual types for a parameterized type. """ origin = get_origin(t) type_args = get_args(t) if origin is None: return {} type_params = origin.__parameters__ # Create a map from type parameters to actual type arguments type_map = dict(zip(type_params, type_args)) return type_map def apply_annotations(schema: dict[str, Any], annotations: list[Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Add metadata from typing.annotations to the json Schema. The annotations can be a dict, a tuple, or a string and is directly applied to the schema as shown below. No further validation is done, the caller is responsible for following json-schema. Examples ```python # String annotation Annotated[int, "This is an int"] -> {"type": "integer", "description": "This is an int"} # Dict annotation Annotated[int, {"minimum": 0, "maximum": 10}] -> {"type": "integer", "minimum": 0, "maximum": 10} # Tuple annotation Annotated[int, ("minimum", 0)] -> {"type": "integer", "minimum": 0} ``` """ for annotation in annotations: if isinstance(annotation, dict): # Assuming annotation is a dict that can directly apply to the schema schema.update(annotation) elif isinstance(annotation, tuple) and len(annotation) == 2: # Assuming a tuple where first element is a keyword (like 'minLength') and the second is the value schema[annotation[0]] = annotation[1] elif isinstance(annotation, str): # String annotations can be used for description schema.update({"description": f"{annotation}"}) return schema def type_to_dict(t: Any, scope: str = "", type_map: dict[TypeVar, type] = {}) -> dict: if t is None: return {"type": "null"} if dataclasses.is_dataclass(t): fields = dataclasses.fields(t) properties = { type_to_dict(f.type, f"{scope} {t.__name__}.{}", type_map) for f in fields } required = set() for pn, pv in properties.items(): if pv.get("type") is not None: if "null" not in pv["type"]: required.add(pn) elif pv.get("oneOf") is not None: if "null" not in [i["type"] for i in pv.get("oneOf", [])]: required.add(pn) required_fields = { for f in fields if f.default is MISSING and f.default_factory is MISSING } # Find intersection intersection = required & required_fields return { "type": "object", "properties": properties, "required": list(intersection), # Dataclasses can only have the specified properties "additionalProperties": False, } elif type(t) is UnionType: return { "oneOf": [type_to_dict(arg, scope, type_map) for arg in t.__args__], } if isinstance(t, TypeVar): # if t is a TypeVar, look up the type in the type_map # And return the resolved type instead of the TypeVar resolved = type_map.get(t) if not resolved: raise JSchemaTypeError( f"{scope} - TypeVar {t} not found in type_map, map: {type_map}" ) return type_to_dict(type_map.get(t), scope, type_map) elif hasattr(t, "__origin__"): # Check if it's a generic type origin = get_origin(t) args = get_args(t) if origin is None: # Non-generic user-defined or built-in type # TODO: handle custom types raise JSchemaTypeError("Unhandled Type: ", origin) elif origin is Literal: # Handle Literal values for enums in JSON Schema return { "type": "string", "enum": list(args), # assumes all args are strings } elif origin is Annotated: base_type, *metadata = get_args(t) schema = type_to_dict(base_type, scope) # Generate schema for the base type return apply_annotations(schema, metadata) elif origin is Union: union_types = [type_to_dict(arg, scope, type_map) for arg in t.__args__] return { "oneOf": union_types, } elif origin in {list, set, frozenset}: return { "type": "array", "items": type_to_dict(t.__args__[0], scope, type_map), } elif issubclass(origin, dict): value_type = t.__args__[1] if value_type is Any: return {"type": "object", "additionalProperties": True} else: return { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": type_to_dict(value_type, scope, type_map), } # Generic dataclass with type parameters elif dataclasses.is_dataclass(origin): # This behavior should mimic the scoping of typeVars in dataclasses # Once type_to_dict() encounters a TypeVar, it will look up the type in the type_map # When type_to_dict() returns the map goes out of scope. # This behaves like a stack, where the type_map is pushed and popped as we traverse the dataclass fields new_map = copy.deepcopy(type_map) new_map.update(inspect_dataclass_fields(t)) return type_to_dict(origin, scope, new_map) raise JSchemaTypeError(f"Error api type not yet supported {t!s}") elif isinstance(t, type): if t is str: return {"type": "string"} if t is int: return {"type": "integer"} if t is float: return {"type": "number"} if t is bool: return {"type": "boolean"} if t is object: return {"type": "object"} if t is Any: raise JSchemaTypeError( f"Usage of the Any type is not supported for API functions. In: {scope}" ) if t is pathlib.Path: return { # TODO: maybe give it a pattern for URI "type": "string", } if t is dict: raise JSchemaTypeError( "Error: generic dict type not supported. Use dict[str. Any] instead" ) # Optional[T] gets internally transformed Union[T,NoneType] if t is NoneType: return {"type": "null"} raise JSchemaTypeError(f"Error primitive type not supported {t!s}") else: raise JSchemaTypeError(f"Error type not supported {t!s}")