import os import shutil import string import subprocess import time from import Iterator from pathlib import Path from sys import platform from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory from typing import TYPE_CHECKING import pytest if TYPE_CHECKING: from command import Command from ports import PortFunction class Sshd: def __init__(self, port: int, proc: subprocess.Popen[str], key: str) -> None: self.port = port self.proc = proc self.key = key class SshdConfig: def __init__( self, path: Path, login_shell: Path, key: str, preload_lib: Path ) -> None: self.path = path self.login_shell = login_shell self.key = key self.preload_lib = preload_lib @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def sshd_config(test_root: Path) -> Iterator[SshdConfig]: # FIXME, if any parent of the sshd directory is world-writable than sshd will refuse it. # we use .direnv instead since it's already in .gitignore with TemporaryDirectory() as _dir: tmpdir = Path(_dir) host_key = test_root / "data" / "ssh_host_ed25519_key" host_key.chmod(0o600) template = (test_root / "data" / "sshd_config").read_text() content = string.Template(template).substitute(dict(host_key=host_key)) config = tmpdir / "sshd_config" config.write_text(content) login_shell = tmpdir / "shell" bash = shutil.which("bash") path = os.environ["PATH"] assert bash is not None login_shell.write_text( f"""#!{bash} if [[ -f /etc/profile ]]; then source /etc/profile fi if [[ -n "$REALPATH" ]]; then export PATH="$REALPATH:${path}" else export PATH="${path}" fi exec {bash} -l "${{@}}" """ ) login_shell.chmod(0o755) lib_path = None assert ( platform == "linux" ), "we do not support the ld_preload trick on non-linux just now" # This enforces a login shell by overriding the login shell of `getpwnam(3)` lib_path = tmpdir / "" [ os.environ.get("CC", "cc"), "-shared", "-o", lib_path, str(test_root / "getpwnam-preload.c"), ], check=True, ) yield SshdConfig(config, login_shell, str(host_key), lib_path) @pytest.fixture def sshd( sshd_config: SshdConfig, command: "Command", unused_tcp_port: "PortFunction", monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch, ) -> Iterator[Sshd]: import subprocess port = unused_tcp_port() sshd = shutil.which("sshd") assert sshd is not None, "no sshd binary found" env = {} env = dict( LD_PRELOAD=str(sshd_config.preload_lib), LOGIN_SHELL=str(sshd_config.login_shell), ) proc = [sshd, "-f", str(sshd_config.path), "-D", "-p", str(port)], extra_env=env ) monkeypatch.delenv("SSH_AUTH_SOCK", raising=False) while True: print(sshd_config.path) if ( [ "ssh", "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no", "-o", "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null", "-i", sshd_config.key, "localhost", "-p", str(port), "true", ], ).returncode == 0 ): yield Sshd(port, proc, sshd_config.key) return else: rc = proc.poll() if rc is not None: raise Exception(f"sshd processes was terminated with {rc}") time.sleep(0.1)