{ clan-core, nixpkgs, lib, }: { directory, # The directory containing the machines subdirectory specialArgs ? { }, # Extra arguments to pass to nixosSystem i.e. useful to make self available machines ? { }, # allows to include machine-specific modules i.e. machines.${name} = { ... } # DEPRECATED: use meta.name instead clanName ? null, # Needs to be (globally) unique, as this determines the folder name where the flake gets downloaded to. # DEPRECATED: use meta.icon instead clanIcon ? null, # A path to an icon to be used for the clan, should be the same for all machines meta ? { }, # A set containing clan meta: name :: string, icon :: string, description :: string pkgsForSystem ? (_system: null), # A map from arch to pkgs, if specified this nixpkgs will be only imported once for each system. # This improves performance, but all nipxkgs.* options will be ignored. }: let deprecationWarnings = [ (lib.warnIf ( clanName != null ) "clanName is deprecated, please use meta.name instead. ${clanName}" null) (lib.warnIf (clanIcon != null) "clanIcon is deprecated, please use meta.icon instead" null) ]; machinesDirs = lib.optionalAttrs (builtins.pathExists "${directory}/machines") ( builtins.readDir (directory + /machines) ); mergedMeta = let metaFromFile = if (builtins.pathExists "${directory}/clan/meta.json") then let settings = builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile "${directory}/clan/meta.json"); in settings else { }; legacyMeta = lib.filterAttrs (_: v: v != null) { name = clanName; icon = clanIcon; }; optionsMeta = lib.filterAttrs (_: v: v != null) meta; warnings = builtins.map ( name: if metaFromFile.${name} or null != optionsMeta.${name} or null && optionsMeta.${name} or null != null then lib.warn "meta.${name} is set in different places. (exlicit option meta.${name} overrides ${directory}/clan/meta.json)" null else null ) (builtins.attrNames metaFromFile) ++ [ (if (res.name or null == null) then (throw "meta.name should be set") else null) ]; res = metaFromFile // legacyMeta // optionsMeta; in # Print out warnings before returning the merged result builtins.deepSeq warnings res; machineSettings = machineName: # CLAN_MACHINE_SETTINGS_FILE allows to override the settings file temporarily # This is useful for doing a dry-run before writing changes into the settings.json # Using CLAN_MACHINE_SETTINGS_FILE requires passing --impure to nix eval if builtins.getEnv "CLAN_MACHINE_SETTINGS_FILE" != "" then builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile (builtins.getEnv "CLAN_MACHINE_SETTINGS_FILE")) else lib.optionalAttrs (builtins.pathExists "${directory}/machines/${machineName}/settings.json") ( builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile (directory + /machines/${machineName}/settings.json)) ); # Read additional imports specified via a config option in settings.json # This is not an infinite recursion, because the imports are discovered here # before calling evalModules. # It is still useful to have the imports as an option, as this allows for type # checking and easy integration with the config frontend(s) machineImports = machineSettings: map (module: clan-core.clanModules.${module}) (machineSettings.clanImports or [ ]); # TODO: remove default system once we have a hardware-config mechanism nixosConfiguration = { system ? "x86_64-linux", name, pkgs ? null, extraConfig ? { }, }: nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem { modules = let settings = machineSettings name; in (machineImports settings) ++ [ settings clan-core.nixosModules.clanCore extraConfig (machines.${name} or { }) ( { # Settings clanCore.clanDir = directory; # Inherited from clan wide settings clanCore.clanName = meta.name or clanName; clanCore.clanIcon = meta.icon or clanIcon; # Machine specific settings clanCore.machineName = name; networking.hostName = lib.mkDefault name; nixpkgs.hostPlatform = lib.mkDefault system; # speeds up nix commands by using the nixpkgs from the host system (especially useful in VMs) nix.registry.nixpkgs.to = { type = "path"; path = lib.mkDefault nixpkgs; }; } // lib.optionalAttrs (pkgs != null) { nixpkgs.pkgs = lib.mkForce pkgs; } ) ]; specialArgs = { inherit clan-core; } // specialArgs; }; allMachines = machinesDirs // machines; supportedSystems = [ "x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux" "riscv64-linux" "x86_64-darwin" "aarch64-darwin" ]; nixosConfigurations = lib.mapAttrs (name: _: nixosConfiguration { inherit name; }) allMachines; # This instantiates nixos for each system that we support: # configPerSystem = ..nixosConfiguration # We need this to build nixos secret generators for each system configsPerSystem = builtins.listToAttrs ( builtins.map ( system: lib.nameValuePair system ( lib.mapAttrs ( name: _: nixosConfiguration { inherit name system; pkgs = pkgsForSystem system; } ) allMachines ) ) supportedSystems ); configsFuncPerSystem = builtins.listToAttrs ( builtins.map ( system: lib.nameValuePair system ( lib.mapAttrs ( name: _: args: nixosConfiguration ( args // { inherit name system; pkgs = pkgsForSystem system; } ) ) allMachines ) ) supportedSystems ); in builtins.deepSeq deprecationWarnings { inherit nixosConfigurations; clanInternals = { # Evaluated clan meta # Merged /clan/meta.json with overrides from buildClan meta = mergedMeta; # machine specifics machines = configsPerSystem; machinesFunc = configsFuncPerSystem; all-machines-json = lib.mapAttrs ( system: configs: nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system}.writers.writeJSON "machines.json" ( lib.mapAttrs (_: m: m.config.system.clan.deployment.data) configs ) ) configsPerSystem; }; }