# **Quick Start Guide to Initializing a New Clan Project** This guide will lead you through initiating a new Clan project ## **Overview** Dive into our structured guide tailored to meet your needs: - [**Starting with a New Clan Project**](#starting-with-a-new-clan-project): Kickstart your journey with Clan by setting up a new project from the ground up. - [**Migrating Existing Flake Configuration**](migrate.md#migrating-existing-nixos-configuration-flake): Transition your existing flake-based Nix configuration to harness the power of Clan Core. - [**Integrating Clan using Flake-Parts**](./migrate.md#integrating-clan-with-flakes-using-flake-parts): Enhance your Clan experience by integrating it with Flake-Parts. --- ## **Starting with a New Clan Project** Embark on your Clan adventure with these initial steps: ### **Step 1: Add Clan CLI to Your Shell** Incorporate the Clan CLI into your development workflow with this simple command: ```shell nix shell git+https://git.clan.lol/clan/clan-core ``` ### **Step 2: Initialize Your Project** Set the foundation of your Clan project by initializing it as follows: ```shell clan flakes create my-clan ``` This command crafts the essential `flake.nix` and `.clan-flake` files for your project. ### **Step 3: Verify the Project Structure** Ensure the creation of your project files with a quick directory listing: ```shell cd my-clan && ls -la ``` Look for `.clan-flake`, `flake.lock`, and `flake.nix` among your files to confirm successful setup. ### **Understanding `.clan-flake`** The `.clan-flake` file, while optional, is instrumental in helping the Clan CLI identify your project's root directory, easing project management. ### Edit Flake.nix Open the `flake.nix` file and set a unique `clanName` if you want you can also set an optional `clanIcon` or even a per `machineIcon`. These will be used by our future clan GUI. ### Remote into the target machine **Right now clan assumes that you already have NixOS running on the target machine.** If that is not the case you can use our [installer image](./install-iso.md) that automatically generates an endpoint reachable over TOR with a random ssh password. On the remote execute: 1. Generate a hardware-config.nix ```bash nixos-generate-config --root /etc/nixos --no-filesystems ``` 2. Copy it over and put it into you `machines/jon/hardware-config.nix` folder ```bash scp -r root@:/etc/nixos/hardware-config.nix ./machines/jon ``` 3. Find the remote disk id by executing on the remote: ```bash lsblk --output NAME,ID-LINK,FSTYPE,SIZE,MOUNTPOINT ``` 4. Edit the following fields inside the `flake.nix` - `clan.networking.targetHost = pkgs.lib.mkDefault "root@";` - `clan.diskLayouts.singleDiskExt4 = { device = "/dev/disk/by-id/__CHANGE_ME__"; };` 5. Generate secrets used by clan modules by executing ```bash clan facts generate ``` ### **Next Steps** Ready to expand? Explore how to install a new machine with the helpful documentation [here](./machines.md). ---