{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: let cfg = config.clan.matrix-synapse; nginx-vhost = "matrix.${config.clan.matrix-synapse.domain}"; element-web = pkgs.runCommand "element-web-with-config" { nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.buildPackages.jq ]; } '' cp -r ${pkgs.element-web} $out chmod -R u+w $out jq '."default_server_config"."m.homeserver" = { "base_url": "https://${nginx-vhost}:443", "server_name": "${config.clan.matrix-synapse.domain}" }' \ > $out/config.json < ${pkgs.element-web}/config.json ln -s $out/config.json $out/config.${nginx-vhost}.json ''; # FIXME: This was taken from upstream. Drop this when our patch is upstream synapseCfg = config.services.matrix-synapse; wantedExtras = synapseCfg.extras ++ lib.optional (synapseCfg.settings ? oidc_providers) "oidc" ++ lib.optional (synapseCfg.settings ? jwt_config) "jwt" ++ lib.optional (synapseCfg.settings ? saml2_config) "saml2" ++ lib.optional (synapseCfg.settings ? redis) "redis" ++ lib.optional (synapseCfg.settings ? sentry) "sentry" ++ lib.optional (synapseCfg.settings ? user_directory) "user-search" ++ lib.optional (synapseCfg.settings.url_preview_enabled) "url-preview" ++ lib.optional (synapseCfg.settings.database.name == "psycopg2") "postgres"; in { options.services.matrix-synapse.package = lib.mkOption { readOnly = false; }; options.clan.matrix-synapse = { domain = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.str; description = "The domain name of the matrix server"; example = "example.com"; }; users = lib.mkOption { default = { }; type = lib.types.attrsOf ( lib.types.submodule ( { name, ... }: { options = { name = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.str; default = name; description = "The name of the user"; }; admin = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.bool; default = false; description = "Whether the user should be an admin"; }; }; } ) ); description = "A list of users. Not that only new users will be created and existing ones are not modified."; example.alice = { admin = true; }; }; }; imports = [ ../postgresql (lib.mkRemovedOptionModule [ "clan" "matrix-synapse" "enable" ] "Importing the module will already enable the service.") ../postgresql ]; config = { services.matrix-synapse = { package = lib.mkForce ( pkgs.matrix-synapse.override { matrix-synapse-unwrapped = pkgs.matrix-synapse.unwrapped.overrideAttrs (_old: { doInstallCheck = false; # too slow, nixpkgs maintainer already run this. patches = [ # see: https://github.com/element-hq/synapse/pull/17304 ./0001-register_new_matrix_user-add-password-file-flag.patch ./0002-register-new-matrix-user-add-a-flag-to-ignore-alread.patch ]; }); extras = wantedExtras; plugins = synapseCfg.plugins; } ); enable = true; settings = { server_name = cfg.domain; database = { args.user = "matrix-synapse"; args.database = "matrix-synapse"; name = "psycopg2"; }; turn_uris = [ "turn:turn.matrix.org?transport=udp" "turn:turn.matrix.org?transport=tcp" ]; registration_shared_secret_path = "/run/synapse-registration-shared-secret"; listeners = [ { port = 8008; bind_addresses = [ "::1" ]; type = "http"; tls = false; x_forwarded = true; resources = [ { names = [ "client" ]; compress = true; } { names = [ "federation" ]; compress = false; } ]; } ]; }; }; systemd.tmpfiles.settings."01-matrix" = { "/run/synapse-registration-shared-secret" = { C.argument = config.clanCore.facts.services.matrix-synapse.secret.synapse-registration_shared_secret.path; z = { mode = "0400"; user = "matrix-synapse"; }; }; }; clan.postgresql.users.matrix-synapse = { }; clan.postgresql.databases.matrix-synapse.create.options = { TEMPLATE = "template0"; LC_COLLATE = "C"; LC_CTYPE = "C"; ENCODING = "UTF8"; OWNER = "matrix-synapse"; }; clan.postgresql.databases.matrix-synapse.restore.stopOnRestore = [ "matrix-synapse" ]; clanCore.facts.services = { "matrix-synapse" = { secret."synapse-registration_shared_secret" = { }; generator.path = with pkgs; [ coreutils pwgen ]; generator.script = '' echo -n "$(pwgen -s 32 1)" > "$secrets"/synapse-registration_shared_secret ''; }; } // lib.mapAttrs' ( name: user: lib.nameValuePair "matrix-password-${user.name}" { secret."matrix-password-${user.name}" = { }; generator.path = with pkgs; [ xkcdpass ]; generator.script = '' xkcdpass -n 4 -d - > "$secrets"/${lib.escapeShellArg "matrix-password-${user.name}"} ''; } ) cfg.users; systemd.services.matrix-synapse = let usersScript = '' while ! ${pkgs.netcat}/bin/nc -z -v ::1 8008; do if ! kill -0 "$MAINPID"; then exit 1; fi sleep 1; done '' + lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" (user: '' # only create user if it doesn't exist /run/current-system/sw/bin/matrix-synapse-register_new_matrix_user --exists-ok --password-file ${ config.clanCore.facts.services."matrix-password-${user.name}".secret."matrix-password-${user.name}".path } --user "${user.name}" ${if user.admin then "--admin" else "--no-admin"} '') (lib.attrValues cfg.users); in { path = [ pkgs.curl ]; serviceConfig.ExecStartPost = [ (''+${pkgs.writeShellScript "matrix-synapse-create-users" usersScript}'') ]; }; services.nginx = { enable = true; virtualHosts = { ${cfg.domain} = { locations."= /.well-known/matrix/server".extraConfig = '' add_header Content-Type application/json; return 200 '${builtins.toJSON { "m.server" = "matrix.${cfg.domain}:443"; }}'; ''; locations."= /.well-known/matrix/client".extraConfig = '' add_header Content-Type application/json; add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *; return 200 '${ builtins.toJSON { "m.homeserver" = { "base_url" = "https://${nginx-vhost}"; }; "m.identity_server" = { "base_url" = "https://vector.im"; }; } }'; ''; }; ${nginx-vhost} = { forceSSL = true; enableACME = true; locations."/_matrix".proxyPass = "http://localhost:8008"; locations."/_synapse".proxyPass = "http://localhost:8008"; locations."/".root = element-web; }; }; }; }; }