{ lib, pkgs, modulesPath, ... }: let network-status = pkgs.writeShellScript "network-status" '' export PATH=${ lib.makeBinPath ( with pkgs; [ iproute2 coreutils gnugrep nettools gum ] ) } set -efu -o pipefail msgs=() if [[ -e /var/shared/qrcode.utf8 ]]; then qrcode=$(gum style --border-foreground 240 --border normal "$(< /var/shared/qrcode.utf8)") msgs+=("$qrcode") fi network_status="Local network addresses: $(ip -brief -color addr | grep -v $([[ -e /var/shared/onion-hostname ]] && echo "Onion address: $(cat /var/shared/onion-hostname)" || echo "Onion address: Waiting for tor network to be ready...") Multicast DNS: $(hostname).local" network_status=$(gum style --border-foreground 240 --border normal "$network_status") msgs+=("$network_status") msgs+=("Press 'Ctrl-C' for console access") gum join --vertical "''${msgs[@]}" ''; in { ############################################ # # # For install image debugging execute: # # $ qemu-kvm result/stick.raw -snapshot # # # ############################################ imports = [ (modulesPath + "/profiles/installation-device.nix") (modulesPath + "/profiles/all-hardware.nix") (modulesPath + "/profiles/base.nix") ]; ######################################################################################################## # # # Copied from: # # https://github.com/nix-community/nixos-images/blob/main/nix/image-installer/module.nix#L46C3-L117C6 # # # ######################################################################################################## services.openssh.settings.PermitRootLogin = lib.mkForce "prohibit-password"; hidden-ssh-announce = { enable = true; script = pkgs.writeShellScript "write-hostname" '' set -efu export PATH=${ lib.makeBinPath ( with pkgs; [ iproute2 coreutils jq qrencode ] ) } mkdir -p /var/shared echo "$1" > /var/shared/onion-hostname local_addrs=$(ip -json addr | jq '[map(.addr_info) | flatten | .[] | select(.scope == "global") | .local]') jq -nc \ --arg onion_address "$(cat /var/shared/onion-hostname)" \ --argjson local_addrs "$local_addrs" \ '{ pass: null, tor: $onion_address, addrs: $local_addrs }' \ > /var/shared/login.json cat /var/shared/login.json | qrencode -s 2 -m 2 -t utf8 -o /var/shared/qrcode.utf8 ''; }; services.getty.autologinUser = lib.mkForce "root"; console.earlySetup = true; console.font = lib.mkDefault "${pkgs.terminus_font}/share/consolefonts/ter-u22n.psf.gz"; # Less ipv6 addresses to reduce the noise networking.tempAddresses = "disabled"; # Tango theme: https://yayachiken.net/en/posts/tango-colors-in-terminal/ console.colors = lib.mkDefault [ "000000" "CC0000" "4E9A06" "C4A000" "3465A4" "75507B" "06989A" "D3D7CF" "555753" "EF2929" "8AE234" "FCE94F" "739FCF" "AD7FA8" "34E2E2" "EEEEEC" ]; programs.bash.interactiveShellInit = '' if [[ "$(tty)" =~ /dev/(tty1|hvc0|ttyS0)$ ]]; then # workaround for https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/219239 systemctl restart systemd-vconsole-setup.service watch --no-title --color ${network-status} fi ''; }