import argparse import sys from dataclasses import dataclass from pathlib import Path from clan_cli import create_parser @dataclass class Option: name: str description: str default: str | None = None metavar: str | None = None epilog: str | None = None def to_md_li(self, delim: str = "-") -> str: # - **--example, `--e`**: {description} (Default: `default` {epilog}) md_li = f"{delim} **{}**: " md_li += f"`<{self.metavar}>` " if self.metavar else "" md_li += f"(Default: `{self.default}`) " if self.default else "" md_li += indent_next( f"\n{self.description.strip()}" if self.description else "" ) md_li += indent_next(f"\n{self.epilog.strip()}" if self.epilog else "") return md_li @dataclass class Subcommand: name: str description: str | None = None epilog: str | None = None def to_md_li(self, parent: "Category") -> str: md_li = f"""- **[{}](#{"-".join(parent.title.split(" "))}-{})**: """ md_li += indent_next(f"{self.description.strip()} " if self.description else "") md_li += indent_next(f"\n{self.epilog.strip()}" if self.epilog else "") return md_li icon_table = { "backups": ":material-backup-restore: ", "config": ":material-shape-outline: ", "facts": ":simple-databricks: ", "flakes": ":material-snowflake: ", "flash": ":material-flash: ", "history": ":octicons-history-24: ", "machines": ":octicons-devices-24: ", "secrets": ":octicons-passkey-fill-24: ", "ssh": ":material-ssh: ", "vms": ":simple-virtualbox: ", } @dataclass class Category: title: str # Flags such as --example, -e options: list[Option] # Positionals such as 'cmd ' positionals: list[Option] # Subcommands such as clan 'machines' # In contrast to an option it is a command that can have further children subcommands: list[Subcommand] # Description of the command description: str | None = None # Additional information, typically displayed at the bottom epilog: str | None = None # What level of depth the category is at (i.e. 'backups list' is 2, 'backups' is 1, 'clan' is 0) level: int = 0 def to_md_li(self, level: int = 1) -> str: md_li = "" if level == self.level: icon = icon_table.get(self.title, "") md_li += f"""- **[{icon}{self.title}](./{"-".join(self.title.split(" "))}.md)**\n\n""" md_li += f"""{indent_all("---", 4)}\n\n""" md_li += indent_all( f"{self.description.strip()}\n" if self.description else "", 4 ) md_li += "\n" md_li += indent_all(f"{self.epilog.strip()}\n" if self.epilog else "", 4) md_li += "\n" return md_li def indent_next(text: str, indent_size: int = 4) -> str: """ Indent all lines in a string except the first line. This is useful for adding multiline texts a lists in Markdown. """ indent = " " * indent_size lines = text.split("\n") indented_text = lines[0] + ("\n" + indent).join(lines[1:]) return indented_text def indent_all(text: str, indent_size: int = 4) -> str: """ Indent all lines in a string. """ indent = " " * indent_size lines = text.split("\n") indented_text = indent + ("\n" + indent).join(lines) return indented_text def get_subcommands( parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, to: list[Category], level: int = 0, prefix: list[str] = [], ) -> tuple[list[Option], list[Option], list[Subcommand]]: """ Generate Markdown documentation for an argparse.ArgumentParser instance including its subcommands. :param parser: The argparse.ArgumentParser instance. :param level: Current depth of subcommand. :return: Markdown formatted documentation as a string. """ # Document each argument # --flake --option --debug, etc. flag_options: list[Option] = [] positional_options: list[Option] = [] subcommands: list[Subcommand] = [] for action in parser._actions: if isinstance(action, argparse._HelpAction): # Pseudoaction that holds the help message continue if isinstance(action, argparse._SubParsersAction): continue # Subparsers handled sperately option_strings = ", ".join(action.option_strings) if option_strings: flag_options.append( Option( name=option_strings, if else "", default=action.default if action.default is not None else "", metavar=f"{action.metavar}" if action.metavar else "", ) ) if not option_strings: # Positional arguments positional_options.append( Option( name=action.dest, if else "", default=action.default if action.default is not None else "", metavar=f"{action.metavar}" if action.metavar else "", ) ) for action in parser._actions: if isinstance(action, argparse._SubParsersAction): subparsers: dict[str, argparse.ArgumentParser] = action.choices for name, subparser in subparsers.items(): parent = " ".join(prefix) sub_command = Subcommand(name=name, description=subparser.description) subcommands.append(sub_command) (_options, _positionals, _subcommands) = get_subcommands( parser=subparser, to=to, level=level + 1, prefix=[*prefix, name] ) to.append( Category( title=f"{parent} {name}", description=subparser.description, epilog=subparser.epilog, level=level, options=_options, positionals=_positionals, subcommands=_subcommands, ) ) return (flag_options, positional_options, subcommands) def collect_commands() -> list[Category]: """ Returns a sorted list of all available commands. i.e. a... backups backups create backups list backups restore c... Commands are sorted alphabetically and kept in groups. """ parser = create_parser() result: list[Category] = [] for action in parser._actions: if isinstance(action, argparse._SubParsersAction): subparsers: dict[str, argparse.ArgumentParser] = action.choices for name, subparser in subparsers.items(): (_options, _positionals, _subcommands) = get_subcommands( subparser, to=result, level=2, prefix=[name] ) result.append( Category( title=name, description=subparser.description, options=_options, positionals=_positionals, subcommands=_subcommands, level=1, ) ) def weight_cmd_groups(c: Category) -> tuple[str, str, int]: sub = [o for o in result if o.title.startswith(c.title) and o.title != c.title] weight = 10 - len(c.title.split(" ")) if sub: weight = 10 - len(sub[0].title.split(" ")) # 1. Sort by toplevel name alphabetically # 2. sort by custom weight to keep groups together # 3. sort by title alphabetically return (c.title.split(" ")[0], c.title, weight) result = sorted(result, key=weight_cmd_groups) return result def build_command_reference() -> None: """ Function that will build the reference and write it to the out path. """ cmds = collect_commands() folder = Path("out") folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Index file markdown = "# CLI Overview\n\n" categories_fmt = "" for cat in cmds: categories_fmt += f"{cat.to_md_li()}\n\n" if cat.to_md_li() else "" if categories_fmt: markdown += """## Overview\n\n""" markdown += '
\n\n' markdown += categories_fmt markdown += "
" markdown += "\n" with open(folder / "", "w") as f: f.write(markdown) # Each top level category is a separate file files: dict[Path, str] = {} for t in [cmd.title for cmd in cmds]: print(t) for cmd in cmds: # Collect all commands starting with the same name into one file filename = cmd.title.split(" ")[0] markdown = files.get(folder / f"{filename}.md", "") markdown += f"{'#'*(cmd.level)} {cmd.title.capitalize()}\n\n" markdown += f"{cmd.description}\n\n" if cmd.description else "" # usage: clan vms run [-h] machine markdown += f"""Usage: `clan {cmd.title}`\n\n""" # options: # -h, --help show this help message and exit # Positional arguments positionals_fmt = "" for option in cmd.positionals: positionals_fmt += f"""{option.to_md_li("1.")}\n""" if len(cmd.positionals): markdown += """!!! info "Positional arguments"\n""" markdown += indent_all(positionals_fmt) markdown += "\n" options_fmt = "" for option in cmd.options: options_fmt += f"{option.to_md_li()}\n" # options: if len(cmd.options): markdown += """??? info "Options"\n""" markdown += indent_all(options_fmt) markdown += "\n" def asort(s: Subcommand) -> str: return commands_fmt = "" for sub_cmd in sorted(cmd.subcommands, key=asort): commands_fmt += f"{sub_cmd.to_md_li(cmd)}\n" if commands_fmt: markdown += """!!! info "Commands"\n""" markdown += indent_all(commands_fmt) markdown += "\n" files[folder / f"{filename}.md"] = markdown for fname, content in files.items(): with open(fname, "w") as f: f.write(content) def main() -> None: if len(sys.argv) != 2: print("Usage: python ") print("Available commands: reference") sys.exit(1) command = sys.argv[1] if command == "reference": build_command_reference() if __name__ == "__main__": main()