import logging import multiprocessing as mp import os import tempfile import threading import time import weakref from import Callable, Generator from contextlib import contextmanager from datetime import datetime from pathlib import Path from typing import IO, ClassVar import gi from clan_cli import vms from clan_cli.clan_uri import ClanURI from clan_cli.history.add import HistoryEntry from clan_cli.machines.machines import Machine from clan_app.components.executor import MPProcess, spawn from clan_app.singletons.toast import ( InfoToast, SuccessToast, ToastOverlay, WarningToast, ) gi.require_version("GObject", "2.0") gi.require_version("Gtk", "4.0") from gi.repository import Gio, GLib, GObject, Gtk log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class VMObject(GObject.Object): # Define a custom signal with the name "vm_stopped" and a string argument for the message __gsignals__: ClassVar = { "vm_status_changed": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, []), "vm_build_notify": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, [bool, bool]), } def __init__( self, icon: Path, data: HistoryEntry, build_log_cb: Callable[[Gio.File], None], ) -> None: super().__init__() # Store the data from the history entry HistoryEntry = data self.build_log_cb = build_log_cb # Create a process object to store the VM process self.vm_process: MPProcess = MPProcess( "vm_dummy", mp.Process(), Path("./dummy") ) self.build_process: MPProcess = MPProcess( "build_dummy", mp.Process(), Path("./dummy") ) self._start_thread: threading.Thread = threading.Thread() self.machine: Machine | None = None # Watcher to stop the VM self.KILL_TIMEOUT: int = 20 # seconds self._stop_thread: threading.Thread = threading.Thread() # Build progress bar vars self.progress_bar: Gtk.ProgressBar = Gtk.ProgressBar() self.progress_bar.hide() self.progress_bar.set_hexpand(True) # Horizontally expand self.prog_bar_id: int = 0 # Create a temporary directory to store the logs self.log_dir: tempfile.TemporaryDirectory = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory( prefix="clan_vm-", suffix=f"-{}" ) self._logs_id: int = 0 self._log_file: IO[str] | None = None # To be able to set the switch state programmatically # we need to store the handler id returned by the connect method # and block the signal while we change the state. This is cursed. self.switch: Gtk.Switch = Gtk.Switch() self.switch_handler_id: int = self.switch.connect( "notify::active", self._on_switch_toggle ) self.connect("vm_status_changed", self._on_vm_status_changed) # Make sure the VM is killed when the reference to this object is dropped self._finalizer: weakref.finalize = weakref.finalize(self, self._kill_ref_drop) def _vm_status_changed_task(self) -> bool: self.emit("vm_status_changed") return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE def update(self, data: HistoryEntry) -> None: = data def _on_vm_status_changed(self, source: "VMObject") -> None: # Signal may be emitted multiple times self.emit("vm_build_notify", self.is_building(), self.is_running()) prev_state = self.switch.get_state() next_state = self.is_running() and not self.is_building() self.switch.set_state(next_state) if prev_state is False and next_state is True: ToastOverlay.use().add_toast_unique( SuccessToast(f"{} started").toast, "success.vm.start", ) if self.switch.get_sensitive() is False and not self.is_building(): self.switch.set_sensitive(True) exit_vm = self.vm_process.proc.exitcode exit_build = self.build_process.proc.exitcode exitc = exit_vm or exit_build if not self.is_running() and exitc != 0: with self.switch.handler_block(self.switch_handler_id): self.switch.set_active(False) log.error(f"VM exited with error. Exitcode: {exitc}") ToastOverlay.use().add_toast_unique( WarningToast(f"VM exited with error. Exitcode: {exitc}").toast, "warning.vm.exit", ) def _on_switch_toggle(self, switch: Gtk.Switch, user_state: bool) -> None: if switch.get_active(): switch.set_state(False) switch.set_sensitive(False) self.start() else: switch.set_state(True) self.shutdown() switch.set_sensitive(False) # We use a context manager to create the machine object # and make sure it is destroyed when the context is exited @contextmanager def _create_machine(self) -> Generator[Machine, None, None]: uri = ClanURI.from_str( url=str(, ) if uri.flake_id.is_local(): self.machine = Machine(, flake=uri.flake_id.path, ) if uri.flake_id.is_remote(): self.machine = Machine(, flake=uri.flake_id.url, ) assert self.machine is not None yield self.machine self.machine = None def _pulse_progress_bar_task(self) -> bool: if self.progress_bar.is_visible(): self.progress_bar.pulse() return GLib.SOURCE_CONTINUE else: return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE def __start(self) -> None: with self._create_machine() as machine: # Start building VM tstart ="Building VM {self.get_id()}") log_dir = Path(str( # Start the build process self.build_process = spawn( on_except=None, out_file=log_dir / "build.log",, machine=machine, tmpdir=log_dir, ) gfile = Gio.File.new_for_path(str(log_dir / "build.log")) # Gio documentation: # Obtains a file monitor for the given file. # If no file notification mechanism exists, then regular polling of the file is used. g_monitor = gfile.monitor_file(Gio.FileMonitorFlags.NONE, None) g_monitor.connect("changed", self.on_logs_changed) GLib.idle_add(self._vm_status_changed_task) self.switch.set_sensitive(True) # Start the logs watcher self._logs_id = GLib.timeout_add( 50, self._get_logs_task, self.build_process ) if self._logs_id == 0: log.error("Failed to start VM log watcher") log.debug(f"Starting logs watcher on file: {self.build_process.out_file}") # Start the progress bar and show it self.prog_bar_id = GLib.timeout_add(100, self._pulse_progress_bar_task) if self.prog_bar_id == 0: log.error("Couldn't spawn a progress bar task") # Wait for the build to finish then hide the progress bar self.build_process.proc.join() tend ="VM {self.get_id()} build took {tend - tstart}s") self.progress_bar.hide() # Check if the VM was built successfully if self.build_process.proc.exitcode != 0: log.error(f"Failed to build VM {self.get_id()}") GLib.idle_add(self._vm_status_changed_task) return"Successfully built VM {self.get_id()}") # Start the VM self.vm_process = spawn( on_except=None, out_file=Path(str( / "vm.log",,, cachedir=log_dir, socketdir=log_dir, ) log.debug(f"Started VM {self.get_id()}") GLib.idle_add(self._vm_status_changed_task) # Start the logs watcher self._logs_id = GLib.timeout_add(50, self._get_logs_task, self.vm_process) if self._logs_id == 0: log.error("Failed to start VM log watcher") log.debug(f"Starting logs watcher on file: {self.vm_process.out_file}") # Wait for the VM to stop self.vm_process.proc.join() log.debug(f"VM {self.get_id()} has stopped") GLib.idle_add(self._vm_status_changed_task) def on_logs_changed( self, monitor: Gio.FileMonitor, file: Gio.File, other_file: Gio.File, event_type: Gio.FileMonitorEvent, ) -> None: if event_type == Gio.FileMonitorEvent.CHANGES_DONE_HINT: # File was changed and the changes were written to disk # wire up the callback for setting the logs self.build_log_cb(file) def start(self) -> None: if self.is_running(): log.warn("VM is already running. Ignoring start request") self.emit("vm_status_changed", self) return log.debug(f"VM state dir {}") self._start_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.__start) self._start_thread.start() def _get_logs_task(self, proc: MPProcess) -> bool: if not proc.out_file.exists(): return GLib.SOURCE_CONTINUE if not self._log_file: try: self._log_file = open(proc.out_file) except Exception as ex: log.exception(ex) self._log_file = None return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE line =, 4096) if len(line) != 0: print(line.decode("utf-8"), end="", flush=True) if not proc.proc.is_alive(): log.debug("Removing logs watcher") self._log_file = None return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE return GLib.SOURCE_CONTINUE def is_running(self) -> bool: return self._start_thread.is_alive() def is_building(self) -> bool: return self.build_process.proc.is_alive() def is_shutting_down(self) -> bool: return self._stop_thread.is_alive() def get_id(self) -> str: return f"{}#{}" def __stop(self) -> None:"Stopping VM {self.get_id()}") start_time = while self.is_running(): diff = - start_time if diff.seconds > self.KILL_TIMEOUT: log.error( f"VM {self.get_id()} has not stopped after {self.KILL_TIMEOUT}s. Killing it" ) self.vm_process.kill_group() break if self.is_building():"VM {self.get_id()} is still building. Killing it") self.build_process.kill_group() break if not self.machine: log.error(f"Machine object is None. Killing VM {self.get_id()}") self.vm_process.kill_group() break # Try to shutdown the VM gracefully using QMP try: with self.machine.vm.qmp_ctx() as qmp: qmp.command("system_powerdown") except Exception as ex: log.debug(f"QMP command 'system_powerdown' ignored. Error: {ex}") # Try 20 times to stop the VM time.sleep(self.KILL_TIMEOUT / 20) GLib.idle_add(self._vm_status_changed_task) log.debug(f"VM {self.get_id()} has stopped") ToastOverlay.use().add_toast_unique( InfoToast(f"Stopped {self.get_id()}").toast, "info.vm.exit" ) def shutdown(self) -> None: if not self.is_running(): log.warning("VM not running. Ignoring shutdown request.") self.emit("vm_status_changed", self) return if self.is_shutting_down(): log.warning("Shutdown already in progress") self.emit("vm_status_changed", self) return self._stop_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.__stop) self._stop_thread.start() def _kill_ref_drop(self) -> None: if self.is_running(): log.warning("Killing VM due to reference drop") self.kill() def kill(self) -> None: if not self.is_running(): log.warning(f"Tried to kill VM {self.get_id()} is not running") return"Killing VM {self.get_id()} now") if self.vm_process.proc.is_alive(): self.vm_process.kill_group() if self.build_process.proc.is_alive(): self.build_process.kill_group() def read_whole_log(self) -> str: if not self.vm_process.out_file.exists(): log.error(f"Log file {self.vm_process.out_file} does not exist") return "" return self.vm_process.out_file.read_text() def __str__(self) -> str: return f"VM({self.get_id()})" def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.__str__()