import argparse import logging import sys from pathlib import Path from types import ModuleType # These imports are unused, but necessary for @API.register to run once. from clan_cli.api import directory, mdns_discovery from clan_cli.arg_actions import AppendOptionAction from clan_cli.clan import show __all__ = ["directory", "mdns_discovery"] from . import ( backups, clan, config, facts, flash, flatpak, history, machines, secrets, vms, ) from .custom_logger import setup_logging from .dirs import get_clan_flake_toplevel_or_env from .errors import ClanCmdError, ClanError from .profiler import profile from .ssh import cli as ssh_cli log = logging.getLogger(__name__) argcomplete: ModuleType | None = None try: import argcomplete # type: ignore[no-redef] except ImportError: pass def flake_path(arg: str) -> str | Path: flake_dir = Path(arg).resolve() if flake_dir.exists() and flake_dir.is_dir(): return flake_dir return arg def add_common_flags(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None: parser.add_argument( "--debug", help="Enable debug logging", action="store_true", default=False, ) parser.add_argument( "--option", help="Nix option to set", nargs=2, metavar=("name", "value"), action=AppendOptionAction, default=[], ) parser.add_argument( "--flake", help="path to the flake where the clan resides in, can be a remote flake or local, can be set through the [CLAN_DIR] environment variable", default=get_clan_flake_toplevel_or_env(), metavar="PATH", type=flake_path, ) def register_common_flags(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None: has_subparsers = False for action in parser._actions: if isinstance(action, argparse._SubParsersAction): for choice, child_parser in action.choices.items(): has_subparsers = True register_common_flags(child_parser) if not has_subparsers: add_common_flags(parser) def create_parser(prog: str | None = None) -> argparse.ArgumentParser: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog=prog, description="The clan cli tool.", epilog=( """ Online reference for the clan cli tool: For more detailed information, visit: """ ), formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, ) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers() # Commands directly under the root i.e. "clan show" show_parser = subparsers.add_parser( "show", help="Show meta about the clan if present.", description="Show meta about the clan if present.", epilog=( """ This command prints the metadata of a clan. Examples: $ clan show --flake [PATH] Name: My Empty Clan Description: some nice description Icon: A path to the png Note: The meta results from clan/meta.json and manual flake arguments. It may not be present for clans not created via the clan-app. """ ), ) show_parser.set_defaults(func=show.show_command) parser_backups = subparsers.add_parser( "backups", help="manage backups of clan machines", description="manage backups of clan machines", epilog=( """ This subcommand provides an interface to backups that clan machines expose. Examples: $ clan backups list [MACHINE] List backups for the machine [MACHINE] $ clan backups create [MACHINE] Create a backup for the machine [MACHINE]. $ clan backups restore [MACHINE] [PROVIDER] [NAME] The backup to restore for the machine [MACHINE] with the configured [PROVIDER] with the name [NAME]. For more detailed information, visit: """ ), formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, ) backups.register_parser(parser_backups) parser_flake = subparsers.add_parser( "flakes", help="create a clan flake inside the current directory", description="create a clan flake inside the current directory", epilog=( """ Examples: $ clan flakes create [DIR] Will create a new clan flake in the specified directory and create it if it doesn't exist yet. The flake will be created from a default template. For more detailed information, visit: """ ), formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, ) clan.register_parser(parser_flake) parser_config = subparsers.add_parser( "config", help="read a nixos configuration option", description="read a nixos configuration option", epilog=( """ """ ), formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, ) config.register_parser(parser_config) parser_ssh = subparsers.add_parser( "ssh", help="ssh to a remote machine", description="ssh to a remote machine", epilog=( """ This subcommand allows seamless ssh access to the nixos-image builders. Examples: $ clan ssh [ssh_args ...] --json [JSON] Will ssh in to the machine based on the deployment information contained in the json string. [JSON] can either be a json formatted string itself, or point towards a file containing the deployment information For more detailed information, visit: """ ), formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, ) ssh_cli.register_parser(parser_ssh) parser_secrets = subparsers.add_parser( "secrets", help="manage secrets", description="manage secrets", epilog=( """ This subcommand provides an interface to secret facts. Examples: $ clan secrets list [regex] Will list secrets for all managed machines. It accepts an optional regex, allowing easy filtering of returned secrets. $ clan secrets get [SECRET] Will display the content of the specified secret. For more detailed information, visit: """ ), formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, ) secrets.register_parser(parser_secrets) parser_facts = subparsers.add_parser( "facts", help="manage facts", description="manage facts", epilog=( """ This subcommand provides an interface to facts of clan machines. Facts are artifacts that a service can generate. There are public and secret facts. Public facts can be referenced by other machines directly. Public facts can include: ip addresses, public keys. Secret facts can include: passwords, private keys. A service is an included clan-module that implements facts generation functionality. For example the zerotier module will generate private and public facts. In this case the public fact will be the resulting zerotier-ip of the machine. The secret fact will be the zerotier-identity-secret, which is used by zerotier to prove the machine has control of the zerotier-ip. Examples: $ clan facts generate Will generate facts for all machines. $ clan facts generate --service [SERVICE] --regenerate Will regenerate facts, if they are already generated for a specific service. This is especially useful for resetting certain passwords while leaving the rest of the facts for a machine in place. For more detailed information, visit: """ ), formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, ) facts.register_parser(parser_facts) parser_machine = subparsers.add_parser( "machines", help="manage machines and their configuration", description="manage machines and their configuration", epilog=( """ This subcommand provides an interface to machines managed by clan. Examples: $ clan machines list List all the machines managed by clan. $ clan machines update [MACHINES] Will update the specified machine [MACHINE], if [MACHINE] is omitted, the command will attempt to update every configured machine. $ clan machines install [MACHINES] [TARGET_HOST] Will install the specified machine [MACHINE], to the specified [TARGET_HOST]. For more detailed information, visit: """ ), formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, ) machines.register_parser(parser_machine) parser_vms = subparsers.add_parser( "vms", help="manage virtual machines", description="manage virtual machines" ) vms.register_parser(parser_vms) parser_history = subparsers.add_parser( "history", help="manage history", description="manage history", ) history.register_parser(parser_history) parser_flash = subparsers.add_parser( "flash", help="flash machines to usb sticks or into isos", description="flash machines to usb sticks or into isos", ) flash.register_parser(parser_flash) if argcomplete: argcomplete.autocomplete(parser) register_common_flags(parser) return parser # this will be the entrypoint under /bin/clan (see pyproject.toml config) @profile def main() -> None: parser = create_parser() args = parser.parse_args() if len(sys.argv) == 1: parser.print_help() if getattr(args, "debug", False): setup_logging(logging.DEBUG, root_log_name=__name__.split(".")[0]) log.debug("Debug log activated") if flatpak.is_flatpak(): log.debug("Running inside a flatpak sandbox") else: setup_logging(logging.INFO, root_log_name=__name__.split(".")[0]) if not hasattr(args, "func"): return try: args.func(args) except ClanError as e: if args.debug: log.exception(e) sys.exit(1) if isinstance(e, ClanCmdError): if e.cmd.msg: log.error(e.cmd.msg) sys.exit(1) log.error(e) sys.exit(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: log.warning("Interrupted by user") sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": main()