import argparse import json import sys from pathlib import Path from ..cmd import run from ..completions import ( add_dynamic_completer, complete_groups, complete_machines, complete_users, ) from ..errors import ClanError from ..nix import nix_shell from .secrets import encrypt_secret, sops_secrets_folder def import_sops(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None: file = Path(args.sops_file) file_type = file.suffix try: file.read_text() except OSError as e: raise ClanError(f"Could not read file {file}: {e}") from e if file_type == ".yaml": cmd = ["sops"] if args.input_type: cmd += ["--input-type", args.input_type] cmd += ["--output-type", "json", "--decrypt", args.sops_file] cmd = nix_shell(["nixpkgs#sops"], cmd) res = run(cmd, error_msg=f"Could not import sops file {file}") secrets = json.loads(res.stdout) for k, v in secrets.items(): k = args.prefix + k if not isinstance(v, str): print( f"WARNING: {k} is not a string but {type(v)}, skipping", file=sys.stderr, ) continue if (sops_secrets_folder(Path(args.flake)) / k / "secret").exists(): print( f"WARNING: {k} already exists, skipping", file=sys.stderr, ) continue encrypt_secret( Path(args.flake), sops_secrets_folder(Path(args.flake)) / k, v,, add_machines=args.machine, add_users=args.user, ) def register_import_sops_parser(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None: parser.add_argument( "--input-type", type=str, default=None, help="the input type of the sops file (yaml, json, ...). If not specified, it will be guessed from the file extension", ) group_action = parser.add_argument( "--group", type=str, action="append", default=[], help="the group to import the secrets to", ) add_dynamic_completer(group_action, complete_groups) machine_action = parser.add_argument( "--machine", type=str, action="append", default=[], help="the machine to import the secrets to", ) add_dynamic_completer(machine_action, complete_machines) user_action = parser.add_argument( "--user", type=str, action="append", default=[], help="the user to import the secrets to", ) add_dynamic_completer(user_action, complete_users) parser.add_argument( "--prefix", type=str, default="", help="the prefix to use for the secret names", ) parser.add_argument( "sops_file", type=str, help="the sops file to import (- for stdin)", ) parser.set_defaults(func=import_sops)