import logging import threading from import Callable from typing import Any, ClassVar, cast import gi from clan_cli.clan_uri import ClanURI from clan_cli.history.add import HistoryEntry, add_history from clan_app.components.gkvstore import GKVStore from clan_app.singletons.use_vms import ClanStore gi.require_version("Gtk", "4.0") gi.require_version("Adw", "1") from gi.repository import Gio, GLib, GObject log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class JoinValue(GObject.Object): __gsignals__: ClassVar = { "join_finished": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, []), } url: ClanURI entry: HistoryEntry | None def _join_finished_task(self) -> bool: self.emit("join_finished") return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE def __init__(self, url: ClanURI) -> None: super().__init__() self.url: ClanURI = url self.entry: HistoryEntry | None = None def __join(self) -> None: new_entry = add_history(self.url) self.entry = new_entry GLib.idle_add(self._join_finished_task) def join(self) -> None: threading.Thread(target=self.__join).start() class JoinList: """ This is a singleton. It is initialized with the first call of use() """ _instance: "None | JoinList" = None list_store: Gio.ListStore # Make sure the VMS class is used as a singleton def __init__(self) -> None: raise RuntimeError("Call use() instead") @classmethod def use(cls: Any) -> "JoinList": if cls._instance is None: cls._instance = cls.__new__(cls) cls.list_store = ClanStore.use().register_on_deep_change(cls._instance._rerender_join_list) return cls._instance def _rerender_join_list( self, source: GKVStore, position: int, removed: int, added: int ) -> None: self.list_store.items_changed( 0, self.list_store.get_n_items(), self.list_store.get_n_items() ) def is_empty(self) -> bool: return self.list_store.get_n_items() == 0 def push(self, uri: ClanURI, after_join: Callable[[JoinValue], None]) -> None: """ Add a join request. This method can add multiple join requests if called subsequently for each request. """ value = JoinValue(uri) if value.url.machine.get_id() in [ cast(JoinValue, item).url.machine.get_id() for item in self.list_store ]:"Join request already exists: {value.url}. Ignoring.") return value.connect("join_finished", self._on_join_finished) value.connect("join_finished", after_join) self.list_store.append(value) def _on_join_finished(self, source: JoinValue) -> None:"Join finished: {source.url}") self.discard(source) assert source.entry is not None ClanStore.use().push_history_entry(source.entry) def discard(self, value: JoinValue) -> None: (has, idx) = self.list_store.find(value) if has: self.list_store.remove(idx)