import logging from import Callable from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, ClassVar import gi from clan_cli.clan_uri import ClanURI from clan_cli.history.add import HistoryEntry from clan_app import assets from clan_app.components.gkvstore import GKVStore from clan_app.components.vmobj import VMObject from clan_app.singletons.use_views import ViewStack from clan_app.views.logs import Logs gi.require_version("GObject", "2.0") gi.require_version("Gtk", "4.0") from gi.repository import Gio, GLib, GObject log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class VMStore(GKVStore): def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__(VMObject, lambda vm: class Emitter(GObject.GObject): __gsignals__: ClassVar = { "is_ready": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, []), } class ClanStore: _instance: "None | ClanStore" = None _clan_store: GKVStore[str, VMStore] _emitter: Emitter # set the vm that is outputting logs # build logs are automatically streamed to the logs-view _logging_vm: VMObject | None = None # Make sure the VMS class is used as a singleton def __init__(self) -> None: raise RuntimeError("Call use() instead") @classmethod def use(cls: Any) -> "ClanStore": if cls._instance is None: cls._instance = cls.__new__(cls) cls._clan_store = GKVStore( VMStore, lambda store: store.first().data.flake.flake_url ) cls._emitter = Emitter() return cls._instance def emit(self, signal: str) -> None: self._emitter.emit(signal) def connect(self, signal: str, cb: Callable[(...), Any]) -> None: self._emitter.connect(signal, cb) def set_logging_vm(self, ident: str) -> VMObject | None: vm = self.get_vm(ClanURI(f"clan://{ident}")) if vm is not None: self._logging_vm = vm return self._logging_vm def register_on_deep_change( self, callback: Callable[[GKVStore, int, int, int], None] ) -> None: """ Register a callback that is called when a clan_store or one of the included VMStores changes """ def on_vmstore_change( store: VMStore, position: int, removed: int, added: int ) -> None: callback(store, position, removed, added) def on_clanstore_change( store: "GKVStore", position: int, removed: int, added: int ) -> None: if added > 0: store.values()[position].register_on_change(on_vmstore_change) callback(store, position, removed, added) self.clan_store.register_on_change(on_clanstore_change) @property def clan_store(self) -> GKVStore[str, VMStore]: return self._clan_store def create_vm_task(self, vm: HistoryEntry) -> bool: self.push_history_entry(vm) return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE def push_history_entry(self, entry: HistoryEntry) -> None: # TODO: We shouldn't do this here but in the list view if entry.flake.icon is None: icon: Path = assets.loc / "placeholder.jpeg" else: icon = Path(entry.flake.icon) def log_details(gfile: Gio.File) -> None: self.log_details(vm, gfile) vm = VMObject(icon=icon, data=entry, build_log_cb=log_details) self.push(vm) def log_details(self, vm: VMObject, gfile: Gio.File) -> None: views = ViewStack.use().view logs_view: Logs = views.get_child_by_name("logs") # type: ignore def file_read_callback( source_object: Gio.File, result: Gio.AsyncResult, _user_data: Any ) -> None: try: # Finish the asynchronous read operation res = source_object.load_contents_finish(result) _success, contents, _etag_out = res # Convert the byte array to a string and print it logs_view.set_message(contents.decode("utf-8")) except Exception as e: print(f"Error reading file: {e}") # only one vm can output logs at a time if vm == self._logging_vm: gfile.load_contents_async(None, file_read_callback, None) # we cannot check this type, python is not smart enough def push(self, vm: VMObject) -> None: url = str( # Only write to the store if the Clan is not already in it # Every write to the KVStore rerenders bound widgets to the clan_store if url not in self.clan_store: log.debug(f"Creating new VMStore for {url}") vm_store = VMStore() vm_store.append(vm) self.clan_store[url] = vm_store else: vm_store = self.clan_store[url] machine = old_vm = vm_store.get(machine) if old_vm: f"VM {} already exists in store. Updating data field." ) old_vm.update( else: log.debug(f"Appending VM {} to store") vm_store.append(vm) def remove(self, vm: VMObject) -> None: del self.clan_store[str(][] def get_vm(self, uri: ClanURI) -> None | VMObject: vm_store = self.clan_store.get(str(uri.flake_id)) if vm_store is None: return None machine = vm_store.get(, None) return machine def get_running_vms(self) -> list[VMObject]: return [ vm for clan in self.clan_store.values() for vm in clan.values() if vm.is_running() ] def kill_all(self) -> None: for vm in self.get_running_vms(): vm.kill()