import argparse import json import logging import os import shlex import sys from ..cmd import run from ..completions import add_dynamic_completer, complete_machines from ..errors import ClanError from ..facts.generate import generate_facts from ..facts.upload import upload_secrets from ..machines.machines import Machine from ..nix import nix_command, nix_metadata from ..ssh import HostKeyCheck from .inventory import get_all_machines, get_selected_machines from .machine_group import MachineGroup log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def is_path_input(node: dict[str, dict[str, str]]) -> bool: locked = node.get("locked") if not locked: return False return locked["type"] == "path" or locked.get("url", "").startswith("file://") def upload_sources( flake_url: str, remote_url: str, always_upload_source: bool = False ) -> str: if not always_upload_source: flake_data = nix_metadata(flake_url) url = flake_data["resolvedUrl"] has_path_inputs = any( is_path_input(node) for node in flake_data["locks"]["nodes"].values() ) if not has_path_inputs and not is_path_input(flake_data): # No need to upload sources, we can just build the flake url directly # FIXME: this might fail for private repositories? return url if not has_path_inputs: # Just copy the flake to the remote machine, we can substitute other inputs there. path = flake_data["path"] env = os.environ.copy() # env["NIX_SSHOPTS"] = " ".join(opts.remote_ssh_options) assert remote_url cmd = nix_command( [ "copy", "--to", f"ssh://{remote_url}", "--no-check-sigs", path, ] ) run(cmd, env=env, error_msg="failed to upload sources") return path # Slow path: we need to upload all sources to the remote machine assert remote_url cmd = nix_command( [ "flake", "archive", "--to", f"ssh://{remote_url}", "--json", flake_url, ] )"run %s", shlex.join(cmd)) proc = run(cmd, error_msg="failed to upload sources") try: return json.loads(proc.stdout)["path"] except (json.JSONDecodeError, OSError) as e: raise ClanError( f"failed to parse output of {shlex.join(cmd)}: {e}\nGot: {proc.stdout}" ) def deploy_nixos(machines: MachineGroup) -> None: """ Deploy to all hosts in parallel """ def deploy(machine: Machine) -> None: host = machine.build_host target = f"{host.user or 'root'}@{}" ssh_arg = f"-p {host.port}" if host.port else "" env = os.environ.copy() env["NIX_SSHOPTS"] = ssh_arg generate_facts([machine], None, False) upload_secrets(machine) path = upload_sources(".", target) if host.host_key_check != HostKeyCheck.STRICT: ssh_arg += " -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" if host.host_key_check == HostKeyCheck.NONE: ssh_arg += " -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" ssh_arg += " -i " + host.key if host.key else "" cmd = [ "nixos-rebuild", "switch", "--fast", "--option", "keep-going", "true", "--option", "accept-flake-config", "true", "--build-host", "", *machine.nix_options, "--flake", f"{path}#{}", ] if target_host := host.meta.get("target_host"): target_host = f"{target_host.user or 'root'}@{}" cmd.extend(["--target-host", target_host]) ret =, check=False) # re-retry switch if the first time fails if ret.returncode != 0: ret = machines.run_function(deploy) def update(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None: if args.flake is None: raise ClanError("Could not find clan flake toplevel directory") machines = [] if len(args.machines) == 1 and args.target_host is not None: machine = Machine( name=args.machines[0], flake=args.flake, nix_options=args.option ) machine.target_host_address = args.target_host machines.append(machine) elif args.target_host is not None: print("target host can only be specified for a single machine") exit(1) else: if len(args.machines) == 0: ignored_machines = [] for machine in get_all_machines(args.flake, args.option): if machine.deployment_info.get("requireExplicitUpdate", False): continue try: machine.build_host except ClanError: # check if we have a build host set ignored_machines.append(machine) continue machines.append(machine) if not machines and ignored_machines != []: print( "WARNING: No machines to update. The following defined machines were ignored because they do not have `clan.networking.targetHost` nixos option set:", file=sys.stderr, ) for machine in ignored_machines: print(machine, file=sys.stderr) else: machines = get_selected_machines(args.flake, args.option, args.machines) deploy_nixos(MachineGroup(machines)) def register_update_parser(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None: machines_parser = parser.add_argument( "machines", type=str, nargs="*", default=[], metavar="MACHINE", help="machine to update. If no machine is specified, all machines will be updated.", ) add_dynamic_completer(machines_parser, complete_machines) parser.add_argument( "--target-host", type=str, help="address of the machine to update, in the format of user@host:1234", ) parser.set_defaults(func=update)