import io import json import os import shutil import subprocess from import Iterator from contextlib import contextmanager from pathlib import Path from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile from typing import IO from ..cmd import Log, run from ..dirs import user_config_dir from ..errors import ClanError from ..nix import nix_shell from .folders import sops_machines_folder, sops_users_folder class SopsKey: def __init__(self, pubkey: str, username: str) -> None: self.pubkey = pubkey self.username = username def get_public_key(privkey: str) -> str: cmd = nix_shell(["nixpkgs#age"], ["age-keygen", "-y"]) try: res = cmd, input=privkey, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, check=True ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise ClanError( "Failed to get public key for age private key. Is the key malformed?" ) from e return res.stdout.strip() def generate_private_key(out_file: Path | None = None) -> tuple[str, str]: cmd = nix_shell(["nixpkgs#age"], ["age-keygen"]) try: proc = run(cmd) res = proc.stdout.strip() pubkey = None private_key = None for line in res.splitlines(): if line.startswith("# public key:"): pubkey = line.split(":")[1].strip() if not line.startswith("#"): private_key = line if not pubkey: raise ClanError("Could not find public key in age-keygen output") if not private_key: raise ClanError("Could not find private key in age-keygen output") if out_file: out_file.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) out_file.write_text(res) return private_key, pubkey except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise ClanError("Failed to generate private sops key") from e def get_user_name(flake_dir: Path, user: str) -> str: """Ask the user for their name until a unique one is provided.""" while True: name = input( f"Your key is not yet added to the repository. Enter your user name for which your sops key will be stored in the repository [default: {user}]: " ) if name: user = name if not (flake_dir / user).exists(): return user print(f"{flake_dir / user} already exists") def ensure_user_or_machine(flake_dir: Path, pub_key: str) -> SopsKey: key = SopsKey(pub_key, username="") folders = [sops_users_folder(flake_dir), sops_machines_folder(flake_dir)] for folder in folders: if folder.exists(): for user in folder.iterdir(): if not (user / "key.json").exists(): continue if read_key(user) == pub_key: key.username = return key raise ClanError( f"Your sops key is not yet added to the repository. Please add it with 'clan secrets users add youruser {pub_key}' (replace youruser with your user name)" ) def default_sops_key_path() -> Path: raw_path = os.environ.get("SOPS_AGE_KEY_FILE") if raw_path: return Path(raw_path) else: return user_config_dir() / "sops" / "age" / "keys.txt" def ensure_sops_key(flake_dir: Path) -> SopsKey: key = os.environ.get("SOPS_AGE_KEY") if key: return ensure_user_or_machine(flake_dir, get_public_key(key)) path = default_sops_key_path() if path.exists(): return ensure_user_or_machine(flake_dir, get_public_key(path.read_text())) else: raise ClanError( "No sops key found. Please generate one with 'clan secrets key generate'." ) @contextmanager def sops_manifest(keys: list[str]) -> Iterator[Path]: with NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, mode="w") as manifest: json.dump( dict(creation_rules=[dict(key_groups=[dict(age=keys)])]), manifest, indent=2 ) manifest.flush() yield Path( def update_keys(secret_path: Path, keys: list[str]) -> list[Path]: with sops_manifest(keys) as manifest: secret_path = secret_path / "secret" time_before = secret_path.stat().st_mtime cmd = nix_shell( ["nixpkgs#sops"], [ "sops", "--config", str(manifest), "updatekeys", "--yes", str(secret_path), ], ) run(cmd, log=Log.BOTH, error_msg=f"Could not update keys for {secret_path}") if time_before == secret_path.stat().st_mtime: return [] return [secret_path] def encrypt_file( secret_path: Path, content: IO[str] | str | bytes | None, keys: list[str] ) -> None: folder = secret_path.parent folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with sops_manifest(keys) as manifest: if not content: args = ["sops", "--config", str(manifest)] args.extend([str(secret_path)]) cmd = nix_shell(["nixpkgs#sops"], args) # Don't use our `run` here, because it breaks editor integration. # We never need this in our UI. p =, check=False) # returns 200 if the file is changed if p.returncode != 0 and p.returncode != 200: raise ClanError( f"Failed to encrypt {secret_path}: sops exited with {p.returncode}" ) return # hopefully /tmp is written to an in-memory file to avoid leaking secrets with NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as f: try: if isinstance(content, str): with open(, "w") as fd: fd.write(content) elif isinstance(content, bytes): with open(, "wb") as fd: fd.write(content) elif isinstance(content, io.IOBase): with open(, "w") as fd: shutil.copyfileobj(content, fd) else: raise ClanError(f"Invalid content type: {type(content)}") # we pass an empty manifest to pick up existing configuration of the user args = ["sops", "--config", str(manifest)] args.extend(["-i", "--encrypt", str(]) cmd = nix_shell(["nixpkgs#sops"], args) run(cmd, log=Log.BOTH) # atomic copy of the encrypted file with NamedTemporaryFile(dir=folder, delete=False) as f2: shutil.copyfile(, os.rename(, secret_path) finally: try: os.remove( except OSError: pass def decrypt_file(secret_path: Path) -> str: with sops_manifest([]) as manifest: cmd = nix_shell( ["nixpkgs#sops"], ["sops", "--config", str(manifest), "--decrypt", str(secret_path)], ) res = run(cmd, error_msg=f"Could not decrypt {secret_path}") return res.stdout def write_key(path: Path, publickey: str, overwrite: bool) -> None: path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) try: flags = os.O_CREAT | os.O_WRONLY | os.O_TRUNC if not overwrite: flags |= os.O_EXCL fd = / "key.json", flags) except FileExistsError: raise ClanError( f"{} already exists in {path}. Use --force to overwrite." ) with os.fdopen(fd, "w") as f: json.dump({"publickey": publickey, "type": "age"}, f, indent=2) def read_key(path: Path) -> str: with open(path / "key.json") as f: try: key = json.load(f) except json.JSONDecodeError as e: raise ClanError(f"Failed to decode {}: {e}") if key["type"] != "age": raise ClanError( f"{} is not an age key but {key['type']}. This is not supported" ) publickey = key.get("publickey") if not publickey: raise ClanError(f"{} does not contain a public key") return publickey