import argparse import json import pathlib import subprocess import sys parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Select a devshell") parser.add_argument("shell", help="the name of the devshell to select", nargs="?") parser.add_argument("--list", action="store_true", help="list available devshells") args = parser.parse_args() selected_shell_file = pathlib.Path(".direnv/selected-shell") if not args.list and not parser.print_help() exit(0) if args.list: flake_show = ["nix", "flake", "show", "--json", "--no-write-lock-file"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, ) data = json.loads(flake_show.stdout.decode()) print("Available devshells:") print("\n".join(data["devShells"]["x86_64-linux"].keys())) exit(0) if selected_shell_file.exists(): with open(selected_shell_file) as f: current_shell = else: current_shell = "" if current_shell == print(f"{} devshell already selected. No changes made.") sys.exit(0) with open(selected_shell_file, "w") as f: f.write( print(f"{} devshell selected")