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Jörg Thalheim 2024-03-25 15:56:42 +01:00
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commit 3691764c36

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@ -1,103 +1,62 @@
title = "Introducing Clan: The Future of Full-Stack Computing Redefined"
title = "Introducing Clan: Full-Stack Computing Redefined"
description = "Introducing cLAN, a new model for a decentralized network, designed to provide families, smaller groups, and small businesses a platform thats private, secure, and user-friendly."
date = 2024-03-19T09:19:42+00:00
updated = 2024-03-19T09:19:42+00:00
draft = true
draft = false
template = "blog/page.html"
authors = ["W", "Qubasa"]
lead = "By revolutionizing OS creation and management,"
In a digital age where users are guided increasingly toward submission and dependence, Clan reclaims computing and networking from the ground up.
Clan enables users to build any system from a git repository, automate secret handling, and join devices in a secure darknet for unmatched integration. This seamless control extends from applications to the OS kernel itself, redefining what it means to manage your digital environment effortlessly.
## How Clan Changes the Game
- **Nix as a Foundation:** Imagine a safety net for your computer's operating system, one that lets you make changes or updates without the fear of causing a crash or losing data. That's what Nix offers. At the heart of Clan, Nix is a groundbreaking tool that simplifies the complexities of system design, ensuring that updates are safe and systems are more reliable. It's like having a guardian angel for your computer, making sure everything runs smoothly even as you upgrade or change your system.
- **Simplified System Deployment:** Building and managing a computer system, from the software you use to the underlying operating system, often feels like putting together a complex puzzle. With Clan, this process becomes as straightforward as assembling a set of building blocks. Leveraging the power of Nix and Clan's innovative toolkit, creating and maintaining what we call "full-stack systems" (everything your computer needs to run smoothly) is no longer a daunting task. It empowers both the tech-savvy administrators and everyday users to take control with ease, turning what was once a complicated chore into a simple, enjoyable experience.
- **A Leap in Connectivity:** Imagine if your computer could create private, secure pathways to communicate directly with other devices, bypassing the noisy and often insecure internet. Clan makes this possible through something called "overlay networks." These networks are like private tunnels, allowing your devices to talk to each other securely and directly, eliminating the common frustrations associated with traditional network setups. With Clan's built-in overlay networks and automatically configured services, connecting your devices becomes a seamless, secure, and hassle-free process.
- **Secure:** Join & explore other Clans without worry, through the use of sandboxing and virtual machines, a technology that runs code in isolated environments, ensures that even if you explore new Clans, your system remains protected from potential threats.
- **Reliable:** With Clan, your data and services are preserved for the long haul, thanks to our focus on self-hosted backups and integration with the [Fediverse](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fediverse), a network of interconnected, independent online communities, ensuring your digital life remains uninterrupted and under your control.
## The Challenge at Hand
At the heart of today's digital discontent are three pervasive trends that have dictated the direction of modern computing:
1. **The Web's Ubiquity:** While it solved the generic runtime problem, it did so at a steep price — a compromised design that's not only centralized in nature but also lacks inherent anonymity, exposing users to privacy concerns and surveillance.
2. **The Cloud's Dominance:** Born from the web's limitations, the cloud has become the go-to for data exchange and interaction, fostering dependency on flawed architectures and corporate ecosystems.
3. **End-User System Design:** Increasingly tailored to cloud dependency, today's systems often restrict users to tightly controlled, corporate-dominated environments, turning personal data into a product and users into consumers of their own digital experiences.
This trajectory has transformed computers from tools of empowerment into inscrutable appliances, eroding user control and privacy. The very foundation of our digital infrastructure, corrupted at its core, calls for not just an overhaul but a reset. And that's where Clan steps in.
### Conceptually Revolutionizing
Beyond its functional prowess, Clan embodies a new philosophy in system, application, and network design. It enables seamless, secure communication across devices, simplifies software distribution and updates, and offers both public and private network configurations. Whether you're looking to create a secure family network, a collaborative workspace, or a private community hub, Clan puts privacy and control back in your hands.
## Who Stands to Benefit?
Clan is for anyone and everyone who believes in the power of open source technology to connect, empower, and protect. From system administrators to less tech-savvy individuals, small business owners to privacy-conscious users, Clan offers something for everyone — a way to reclaim control and redefine how we interact with technology.
## A Glimpse at Clan's Features
**Flexibility in Privacy:** Choose between creating a private sanctuary for your closest contacts or embracing the open web with public Clans anyone can join.
{{ video(name="show_join.webm")}}
**Seamless VM Integration:** Enjoy a seamless experience with applications running in virtual machines, appearing and behaving as if they're part of your main operating system — a blend of power and simplicity.
{{ video(name="show_run.webm")}}
**Robust Backup Management:** Automatically keep your data safe _forever_ never worry about cloud services disappearing in 10 years.
[VIDEO/GIF of clan-cli creating backups]
**Intuitive Secret Management:** Clan simplifies the complexity of digital security, automating the creation and management of encryption keys and passwords for your services, making security effortless.
{{ asciinema(name="secrets.cast") }}
**Remote Install:** Set up and manage Clan systems anywhere in the world with just a QR scan or SSH access, making remote installations as easy as snapping a picture.
{{ asciinema(name="nixos-install.cast") }}
## Unlocking New Possibilities with Clan
Clan isn't just versatile; it's a game-changer. With its nuanced interface, it opens the door to a realm of opportunities previously seen as complex or unattainable. Heres how Clan is making waves:
### **Redefining the Private Cloud**
Imagine having the power to deploy your own cloud computing infrastructure right at home, utilizing the very hardware you're reading this on. With Clan, the dream of personal cloud storage, networking, and application hosting becomes reality—no specialized datacenter hardware, no dependency on third-party accounts or services. Share resources securely with your chosen circle and replicate your setup effortlessly. Its all under your control: fully customizable, without hidden fees or the complexities of blockchain technologies.
### **Crafting Your Own Darknet**
In an era where digital spaces are increasingly monopolized, maintaining a diversity of thought and community becomes a challenge. Clan empowers groups to establish their own networks—a sanctuary where ideas can flourish away from the prying eyes and control of centralized platforms. Whether its for privacy, free expression, or creating a bespoke digital community, Clan offers the tools to build a truly self-owned and managed private space.
### **Empowering Small Businesses with IT Autonomy**
The cloud era promised reduced IT costs but at the expense of control over ones own data. Clan offers small businesses the chance to reclaim their IT independence. Without the need for dedicated IT staff, businesses can manage their infrastructure, ensuring data remains private and operations run smoothly. Clan brings enterprise-level network setup and maintenance within reach, enabling secure remote work and collaboration with ease.
### **Revolutionizing Software Testing**
Developers, say goodbye to the constraints of traditional testing environments. Clan allows you to deploy new software versions—and their required operating environments—to testers quickly and efficiently. This isn't just about speeding up the development cycle; it's about ensuring that your software can be tested under real-world conditions without a hitch, bridging the gap between development and deployment seamlessly.
Clan enables users to build any system from a git repository, automate secret handling, and join devices in a secure darknet. This control extends beyond applications to communication protocols and the operating system itself, putting you fully in charge of your own digital environment.
## Why We're Building Clan
Our mission is simple: to restore fun, freedom, and functionality to computing as an open source project. We believe in building tools that empower users, foster innovation, and challenge the limitations imposed by outdated paradigms. Clan, in its essence, is an open source endeavor; it's our contribution to a future where technology serves humanity, not the other way around.
## How Clan Changes the Game
Clan embodies a new philosophy in system, application, and network design. It enables seamless, secure communication across devices, simplifies software distribution and updates, and offers both public and private network configurations. Here are some of the ways it accomplishes this:
- **Nix as a Foundation:** Imagine a safety net for your computer's operating system, one that lets you make changes or updates without the fear of causing a crash or losing data. Nix simplifies the complexities of system design, ensuring that updates are safe and systems are more reliable.
- **Simplified System Deployment:** Building and managing a computer system, from the operating system to the software you use, often feels like putting together a complex puzzle. With Clan, the puzzle pieces are replaced by a set of building blocks. Leveraging the power of Nix and Clan's innovative toolkit, anyone from tech-savvy administrators to everyday users can create and maintain what we call "full-stack systems" (everything your computer needs to run smoothly).
- **A Leap in Connectivity:** Imagine if you could create private, secure pathways between your devices, bypassing the noisy and often insecure internet. Clan makes this possible through something called "overlay networks." These networks are like private tunnels, allowing your devices to talk to each other securely and directly. With Clan's built-in overlay networks and automatically configured services, connecting your devices becomes seamless, secure, and hassle-free.
- **Security Through Separation:** Clan employs sandboxing and virtual machines, a technology that runs code in isolated environments - so even if you explore new Clans, your system remains protected from potential threats.
- **Reliable:** With Clan, your data and services are preserved for the long haul. We focus on self-hosted backups and integration with the [Fediverse](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fediverse), a network of interconnected, independent online communities, so your digital life remains uninterrupted and under your control.
## A Glimpse at Clan's Features
- **Social Scaling:** Choose between creating a private sanctuary for your closest contacts, a dynamic space for a self-contained community, or embracing the open web with public Clans anyone can join.
{{ video(name="show_join.webm")}}
- **Seamless VM Integration:** Applications running in virtual machines can appear and behave as if they're part of your main operating system — a blend of power and simplicity.
{{ video(name="show_run.webm")}}
- **Robust Backup Management:** Keep your data safe _forever_ - never worry about cloud services disappearing in 10 years.
- **Intuitive Secret Management:** Clan simplifies digital security by automating the creation and management of encryption keys and passwords for your services.
{{ asciinema(name="secrets.cast") }}
- **Remote Install:** Set up and manage Clan systems anywhere in the world with just a QR scan or SSH access, making remote installations as easy as snapping a photo or sharing a link.
{{ asciinema(name="nixos-install.cast") }}
## Who Stands to Benefit?
Clan is for anyone and everyone who believes in the power of open source technology to connect, empower, and protect. From system administrators to less tech-savvy individuals, small business owners to privacy-conscious users, Clan offers something for everyone — a way to reclaim control and redefine how we interact with technology.
## Join the Revolution
Ready to control your digital world? Clan is more than a tool—it's a movement. Secure your data, manage your systems easily, or connect with others how you like. Start with Clan for a better digital future.
@ -106,6 +65,4 @@ Connect with us on our [Matrix channel at clan.lol](https://matrix.to/#/!djzOHBB
Want to see the code? Check it out [on our Gitea](https://git.clan.lol/clan/clan-core) or [on GitHub](https://github.com/clan-lol/clan-core).
Join Clan and be part of changing the internet for the better, together.
Join us and be part of changing technology for the better, together.