DavHau 02dd132e08
All checks were successful
checks-impure / test (pull_request) Successful in 1m43s
checks / test (pull_request) Successful in 2m44s
vms: init graceful shutdown for GUI
- add python modules for qemu protocols: QMP (hardware interactions) and QGA (guest service interaction)
- refactor state directory: remove name from path (already contains url)
- add impure vm test for basic qmp interaction
- simplify existing vm persistance test (factor out shared code)
- integrate graceful shutdown into GUI

the GUI integration still needs to be improved later:
- add fallback in case system doesn't react to powerdown button
- shutdown GUI switch fails if VM hasn't been started yet, and then remains in a wrong position
2024-02-09 19:55:18 +07:00

228 lines
7.5 KiB

import fileinput
import json
import logging
import os
import shutil
import subprocess as sp
import tempfile
from import Iterator
from pathlib import Path
from typing import NamedTuple
import pytest
from root import CLAN_CORE
from clan_cli.dirs import nixpkgs_source
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# substitutes string sin a file.
# This can be used on the flake.nix or default.nix of a machine
def substitute(
file: Path,
clan_core_flake: Path | None = None,
flake: Path = Path(__file__).parent,
) -> None:
sops_key = str(flake.joinpath("sops.key"))
for line in fileinput.input(file, inplace=True):
line = line.replace("__NIXPKGS__", str(nixpkgs_source()))
if clan_core_flake:
line = line.replace("__CLAN_CORE__", str(clan_core_flake))
line = line.replace("__CLAN_SOPS_KEY_PATH__", sops_key)
line = line.replace("__CLAN_SOPS_KEY_DIR__", str(flake))
print(line, end="")
class FlakeForTest(NamedTuple):
path: Path
def generate_flake(
temporary_home: Path,
flake_template: Path,
substitutions: dict[str, str] = {
"__CHANGE_ME__": "_test_vm_persistence",
"git+": "path://" + str(CLAN_CORE),
# define the machines directly including their config
machine_configs: dict[str, dict] = {},
) -> FlakeForTest:
Creates a clan flake with the given name.
Machines are fully generated from the machine_configs.
machine_configs = dict(
# copy the template to a new temporary location
flake = temporary_home / "flake"
shutil.copytree(flake_template, flake)
# substitute `substitutions` in all files of the template
for file in flake.rglob("*"):
if file.is_file():
print(f"Final Content of {file}:")
for line in fileinput.input(file, inplace=True):
for key, value in substitutions.items():
line = line.replace(key, value)
print(line, end="")
# generate machines from machineConfigs
for machine_name, machine_config in machine_configs.items():
settings_path = flake / "machines" / machine_name / "settings.json"
settings_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
settings_path.write_text(json.dumps(machine_config, indent=2))
if "/tmp" not in str(os.environ.get("HOME")):
f"!! $HOME does not point to a temp directory!! HOME={os.environ['HOME']}"
# TODO: Find out why fails in nix build
# but works in pytest when this bottom line is commented out
["git", "config", "--global", "init.defaultBranch", "main"],
)["git", "init"], cwd=flake, check=True)["git", "add", "."], cwd=flake, check=True)["git", "config", "", "clan-tool"], cwd=flake, check=True)["git", "config", "", ""], cwd=flake, check=True)["git", "commit", "-a", "-m", "Initial commit"], cwd=flake, check=True)
return FlakeForTest(flake)
def create_flake(
monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch,
temporary_home: Path,
flake_template_name: str,
clan_core_flake: Path | None = None,
# names referring to pre-defined machines from ../machines
machines: list[str] = [],
# alternatively specify the machines directly including their config
machine_configs: dict[str, dict] = {},
remote: bool = False,
) -> Iterator[FlakeForTest]:
Creates a flake with the given name and machines.
The machine names map to the machines in ./test_machines
template = Path(__file__).parent / flake_template_name
# copy the template to a new temporary location
flake = temporary_home / flake_template_name
shutil.copytree(template, flake)
# lookup the requested machines in ./test_machines and include them
if machines:
(flake / "machines").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
for machine_name in machines:
machine_path = Path(__file__).parent / "machines" / machine_name
shutil.copytree(machine_path, flake / "machines" / machine_name)
substitute(flake / "machines" / machine_name / "default.nix", flake)
# generate machines from machineConfigs
for machine_name, machine_config in machine_configs.items():
settings_path = flake / "machines" / machine_name / "settings.json"
settings_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
settings_path.write_text(json.dumps(machine_config, indent=2))
# in the flake.nix file replace the string __CLAN_URL__ with the the clan flake
# provided by get_test_flake_toplevel
flake_nix = flake / "flake.nix"
# this is where we would install the sops key to, when updating
substitute(flake_nix, clan_core_flake, flake)
if "/tmp" not in str(os.environ.get("HOME")):
f"!! $HOME does not point to a temp directory!! HOME={os.environ['HOME']}"
# TODO: Find out why fails in nix build
# but works in pytest when this bottom line is commented out
["git", "config", "--global", "init.defaultBranch", "main"],
)["git", "init"], cwd=flake, check=True)["git", "add", "."], cwd=flake, check=True)["git", "config", "", "clan-tool"], cwd=flake, check=True)["git", "config", "", ""], cwd=flake, check=True)["git", "commit", "-a", "-m", "Initial commit"], cwd=flake, check=True)
if remote:
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory():
yield FlakeForTest(flake)
yield FlakeForTest(flake)
def test_flake(
monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch, temporary_home: Path
) -> Iterator[FlakeForTest]:
yield from create_flake(monkeypatch, temporary_home, "test_flake")
def test_flake_with_core(
monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch, temporary_home: Path
) -> Iterator[FlakeForTest]:
if not (CLAN_CORE / "flake.nix").exists():
raise Exception(
"clan-core flake not found. This test requires the clan-core flake to be present"
yield from create_flake(
def test_local_democlan(
monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch, temporary_home: Path
) -> Iterator[FlakeForTest]:
democlan = os.getenv(key="DEMOCLAN_ROOT")
if democlan is None:
raise Exception(
"DEMOCLAN_ROOT not set. This test requires the democlan flake to be present"
democlan_p = Path(democlan).resolve()
if not democlan_p.is_dir():
raise Exception(
f"DEMOCLAN_ROOT ({democlan_p}) is not a directory. This test requires the democlan directory to be present"
yield FlakeForTest(democlan_p)
def test_flake_with_core_and_pass(
monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch, temporary_home: Path
) -> Iterator[FlakeForTest]:
if not (CLAN_CORE / "flake.nix").exists():
raise Exception(
"clan-core flake not found. This test requires the clan-core flake to be present"
yield from create_flake(