Qubasa e26d1052b6
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checks / check-links (pull_request) Successful in 13s
checks / checks-impure (pull_request) Successful in 1m51s
checks / checks (pull_request) Successful in 4m11s
select-shell: Fix breakage with previous shell.nix change
2024-03-25 00:32:03 +01:00

49 lines
1.4 KiB

{ lib, inputs, ... }:
imports = [ inputs.treefmt-nix.flakeModule ];
perSystem =
{ self', pkgs, ... }:
treefmt.projectRootFile = "flake.nix";
treefmt.programs.shellcheck.enable = true;
treefmt.programs.mypy.enable = true;
treefmt.programs.mypy.directories = {
"pkgs/clan-cli".extraPythonPackages = self'.packages.clan-cli.testDependencies;
"pkgs/clan-vm-manager".extraPythonPackages =
self'.packages.clan-vm-manager.externalTestDeps ++ self'.packages.clan-cli.testDependencies;
treefmt.settings.formatter.nix = {
command = "sh";
options = [
# First deadnix
${lib.getExe pkgs.deadnix} --edit "$@"
# Then nixpkgs-fmt
${lib.getExe pkgs.nixfmt-rfc-style} "$@"
"--" # this argument is ignored by bash
includes = [ "*.nix" ];
excludes = [
# Was copied from nixpkgs. Keep diff minimal to simplify upstreaming.
treefmt.settings.formatter.python = {
command = "sh";
options = [
${lib.getExe pkgs.ruff} --fix "$@"
${lib.getExe pkgs.ruff} format "$@"
"--" # this argument is ignored by bash
includes = [ "*.py" ];