forked from clan/clan-core

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Secrets (CLI Reference)

Adding Secrets (set)

clan secrets set mysecret
> Paste your secret: 

!!! note As you type your secret won't be displayed. Press Enter to save the secret.

List all Secrets (list)

clan secrets list

Assigning Access (set)

By default, secrets are encrypted for your key. To specify which users and machines can access a secret:

clan secrets set --machine <machine1> --machine <machine2> --user <user1> --user <user2> <secret_name>

Displaying Secrets (get)

clan secrets get mysecret







Users (Reference)

Learn how to manage users and allowing access to existing secrets.

list user

Lists all added users

clan secrets user list

!!! Question "Who can execute this command?" Everyone - completely public.

add user

add a user

clan secrets users add {username} {public-key}

!!! Note Changes can be trusted by maintainer review in version control.

get user

get a user public key

clan secrets users get {username}

remove user

remove a user

clan secrets users remove {username}

!!! Note Changes can be trusted by maintainer review in version control.

add-secret user

Grants the user (username) access to the secret (secret_name)

clan secrets users add-secret {username} {secret_name}

!!! Note Requires the executor of the command to have access to the secret (secret_name).

remove-secret user

remove the user (username) from accessing the secret (secret_name)

!!! Danger "Make sure at least one person has access." It might still be possible for the machine to access the secret. (See machines)

We highly recommend to use version control such as `git` which allows you to rollback secrets in case anything gets messed up.
clan secrets users remove-secret {username} {secret_name}

!!! Question "Who can execute this command?" Requires the executor of the command to have access to the secret (secret_name).

Machines (Reference)

  • list: list machines
  • add: add a machine
  • get: get a machine public key
  • remove: remove a machine
  • add-secret: allow a machine to access a secret
  • remove-secret: remove a machine's access to a secret

List machine

New machines in Clan come with age keys stored in ./sops/machines/<machine_name>. To list these machines:

clan secrets machines list

Add machine

For clan machines the machine key is generated automatically on demand if none exists.

clan secrets machines add <machine_name> <age_key>

If you already have a device key and want to add it manually, see: How to obtain a remote key

get machine


remove machine


add-secret machine


remove-secret machine


Groups (Reference)

The Clan-CLI makes it easy to manage access by allowing you to create groups.

List Groups

clan secrets groups list


Assign users to a new group, e.g., admins:

clan secrets groups add-user admins <username>

!!! info The group is created if no such group existed before.

The user must exist in beforehand (See: [users](#users-reference))

```{.console, .no-copy}
├── flake.nix
.   ...
└── sops
    ├── groups
    │   └── admins
    │       └── users
    │           └── <username> -> ../../../users/<username>








clan secrets groups add-secret <group_name> <secret_name>



Key (Reference)

  • generate generate age key
  • show show age public key
  • update re-encrypt all secrets with current keys (useful when changing keys)








Secrets in the repository follow this structure:

├── secrets/
│   └── <secret_name>/
│       ├── secret
│       └── users/
│           └── <your_username>/

The content of the secret is stored encrypted inside the secret file under mysecret.

By default, secrets are encrypted with your key to ensure readability.

Obtain remote keys manually

To fetch a SSH host key from a preinstalled system:

ssh-keyscan <domain_name> | nix shell nixpkgs#ssh-to-age -c ssh-to-age

!!! Success This command converts the SSH key into an age key on the fly. Since this is the format used by the clan secrets backend.

Once added the **SSH host key** enables seamless integration of existing machines with clan.

Then add the key by executing:

clan secrets machines add <machine_name> <age_key>

See also: Machine reference

NixOS integration

A NixOS machine will automatically import all secrets that are encrypted for the current machine. At runtime it will use the host key to decrypt all secrets into an in-memory, non-persistent filesystem using sops-nix. In your nixos configuration you can get a path to secrets like this config.sops.secrets.<name>.path. For example:

{ config, ...}: {
  sops.secrets.my-password.neededForUsers = true;

  users.users.mic92 = {
    isNormalUser = true;
    passwordFile = config.sops.secrets.my-password.path;

See the readme of sops-nix for more examples.

Migration: Importing existing sops-based keys / sops-nix

clan secrets stores each secret in a single file, whereas sops commonly allows to put all secrets in a yaml or json document.

If you already happened to use sops-nix, you can migrate by using the clan secrets import-sops command by importing these files:

% clan secrets import-sops --prefix matchbox- --group admins --machine matchbox nixos/matchbox/secrets/secrets.yaml

This will create secrets for each secret found in nixos/matchbox/secrets/secrets.yaml in a ./sops folder of your repository. Each member of the group admins in this case will be able to decrypt the secrets with their respective key.

Since our clan secret module will auto-import secrets that are encrypted for a particular nixos machine, you can now remove sops.secrets.<secrets> = { }; unless you need to specify more options for the secret like owner/group of the secret file.