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Getting Started with Your First Clan Project

Welcome to your simple guide on starting a new Clan project!

What's Inside

We've put together a straightforward guide to help you out:

Starting with a New Clan Project

Create your own clan with these initial steps:

Step 1: Add Clan CLI to Your Shell

Add the Clan CLI into your development workflow:

nix shell git+

Step 2: Initialize Your Project

Set the foundation of your Clan project by initializing it as follows

clan flakes create my-clan

This command creates the flake.nix and .clan-flake files for your project.

Step 3: Verify the Project Structure

Ensure the creation of your project files with a quick directory listing

cd my-clan && ls -la

You should see .clan-flake, flake.lock, and flake.nix among the files listed, which means you're all set up!

Next Steps

Edit Flake.nix

Open the flake.nix file and set a unique clanName if you want you can also set an optional clanIcon or even a per machineIcon. These will be used by our future clan GUI.

Remote into the target machine

Right now clan assumes that you already have NixOS running on the target machine.

If that is not the case you can use our installer image that automatically generates an endpoint reachable over TOR with a random ssh password.

On the remote execute:

  1. Generate a hardware-config.nix

    nixos-generate-config --root /etc/nixos --no-filesystems
  2. Copy it over and put it into you machines/jon/hardware-config.nix folder

    scp -r root@<jon-ip>:/etc/nixos/hardware-config.nix ./machines/jon
  3. Find the remote disk id by executing on the remote:

  4. Edit the following fields inside the flake.nix

    • clan.networking.targetHost = pkgs.lib.mkDefault "root@<IP_ADDRESS>";
    • clan.diskLayouts.singleDiskExt4 = { device = "/dev/disk/by-id/__CHANGE_ME__"; };
  5. Generate secrets used by clan modules by executing

    clan facts generate

Next Steps

Ready to expand? Explore how to install a new machine with the helpful documentation here. Ready to explore more?

  • Adding New Machines to your setup. Following our template

  • Use a USB drive to Set Up Machines: Setting up new computers remotely is easy with a USB stick. [Learn how] (./